Thursday, 10 October 2019

Renewal of Factory License under Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH) for the year 2020

Employers may be aware that renewal of factory license under DISH is due by 31.10.2019 for the year 2020. Any application not filed before the due date would attract 10% surcharge if it is filed before 30th November 2019 and 20%surcharge, if it is filed by 31st December 2019. The license if not renewed for more than a year, would expire normally by 31st December of each year.

 Therefore, after the expiry of factory license as on 1st of January, the surcharge payable would be 30% in addition to any penalty by way of prosecution by the DISH.

To avoid all the repercussions, Employers are advised to renew their factory license before 20th October 2019 without waiting for the due date to happen.

This year, the renewal application in Form No. 2 has to be uploaded only on the portal of the DISH as per the User ID and Password provided. As this is the first occasion to file the license renewal application by online, members are requested to initiate their actions well in advance or otherwise they may not get the portal support at the fag end. The fee Schedule is already provided in the Annual Report sent for the year 2018-19.

Accordingly, Employers can attempt to renew the license through online by paying the correct fee without any omission before the due date. For transfer and amendments also the fee has been enhanced and accordingly, by the schedule attached members can arrive the correct payment to be made for renewal / amendment / transfer of license for the year 2020 and make the license renewal / amendment / transfer applications well in advance.

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